Category background
Investor relations


List of shareholders holding at least 5 % in the total number of votes of the Company.

Shareholder Number of shares Number of votes % of capital % of votes on the General Shareholders Meeting Date
Zawieruszyński Fundacja Rodzinna 1 887 228 1 887 228 16,8 16,8 2024-10-25
Tyre Invest sp. z o. o. 1 598 950 1 598 950 14,23 14,23 2024-10-25
Topolewscy Corvus Albus Fundacja Rodzinna 1 564 399 1 564 399 13,92 13,92 2024-10-28
Darayavahus sp. z o. o. 1 393 601 1 393 601 12,4 12,4 2024-10-28
Dariusz Topolewski 701 592 701 592 6,24 6,24 2024-10-28
Goldman Sachs TFI S.A. 605 166 605 166 5,39 5,39 2024-11-18

* Dariusz Topolewski, as of the date of publication of the report, held directly (701,592) and indirectly through FR DT (1,564,399) and Darayavahus sp. z o.o. (1,393,601) a total of 3,659,592 shares representing 32.57% of the share capital and votes at the general meeting.

** Ryszard Zawieruszyński, as of the publication date of the report, held a total of 3,493,848 shares directly (7,670 shares) and indirectly through FR RZ (1,887,228) and Tyre Invest sp. z o.o. (1,598,950) a total of 3,493,848 shares representing 31.10% of the share capital and votes at the general meeting.

Holding of shares and rights to them by members of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board.

Shareholder Number of shares Number of votes % of capital % of votes on the General Shareholders Meeting Date
Dariusz Topolewski 701 592 701 592 6,24 6,24 2024-10-28
Wojciech Topolewski 59 780 59 780 0,43 0,43 2019-05-24
Michał Butkiewicz 17 093 17 093 0,12 0,12 2015-01-27