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Company info

Supervisory Board

Monika Siarkowska

Chair of the supervisory board

Professionally associated with OPONEO.PL inc. since 2007, when the Company was introduced to the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. She has created an IR/PR department at OPONEO.PL inc., leading and supervising the Company's information disclosure obligations with respect to regulation of financial instruments trading and communication with the capital market.

She has several years of experience in the Internet industry and currently serves as IPO Director at Dadelo Ltd. The previous experience was collected in the Polish branch of the Active 24 Group and in foreign branches of Europa Technologies and Oracle. She is a graduate of Publishing at the Kazimierz Wielki University and of postgraduate studies in Public Relations. She attended also West Kent College in the UK.

Lucjan Ciaciuch

Member of the supervisory board

In the Supervisory Board of OPONEO.PL inc., since May 2011. He holds the position of a Member of the Management Board at UNI-RACH Ltd. Previously worked as: a Financial Director at PBPP Piecobudowa-Bydgoszcz and as a Director of the Financial Department at the Provincial Office in Bydgoszcz. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Torun. 

He is a certified auditor, entered on the list of entities authorized to audit financial statements under the number 500/4802, and has the right qualifications for the liquidator and liquidator of the companies. As a member of the Supervisory Board of OPONEO.PL fulfills the criteria of independence, mentioned in the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies of 2016.

Michał Kobus

Member of the supervisory board

In the Supervisory Board of OPONEO.PL inc., since November 2017. Currently, he is the President of the Management Board of Prime Selection Dom Maklerski S.A., the President of the Management Board of Alfacommunica Sp. z o.o. and the Vice-President of the Management Board of Krajowy Holding Nieruchomości Sp. z o.o.

He is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Semeko Grupa Inwestycyjna S.A. and Semeko Budownictwo Sp. z o.o. He has many years of experience at operations and managing positions in companies operating in the fields of capital market and real properties. He served the function of the President of the Management Board, among others, in PZU International and Dom Książki S.A., a member of the Management Board of Barista Sp. z o.o., as well as a team manager at PKO BP SA. He is a graduate of the School of Economics and IT in Warsaw.

Wojciech Małachowski

Member of the supervisory board

In the Supervisory Board of OPONEO.PL inc. from November 2011. Currently, he runs business in financial intermediation. Prior to that, he was in charge of insurance and financial intermediation for RB Export inc. And PDK inc., and insurance for Amplico AIG Life inc. From December 2010 to September 2011, he was a Member of the Supervisory Board of MARKETEO.COM inc. 

He has a university degree, studied at the Faculty of Mechanics of the University of Technology and Agriculture in Bydgoszcz.

Paweł Sznajder

Member of the supervisory board

Currently, he is the President of the Management Board at S.A. He has many years of experience in the e-commerce business. Since 2008 involved professionally with S.A. (previously: S.A.), where he was responsible both for coordinating the sales and procurement team and for negotiating business terms, as well as involved in creating the company's development strategy. 

He graduated from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, where he completed a master's cycle at the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences.